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Skin/Intimate Lightening Treatments

Interested in Skin Lightening Treatments?


We specialise in skin lightening treatments on the underarms, bikini and Brazilian areas. Here at Skin & Things, we have different treatment options available to treat skin discolouration. We use a mixture of lasers and peels to treat the body areas and have successfully treated many clients with the skin discolouration problems.

Please note: We cannot lighten your natural body skin-tone. We only treat hyperpigmentation or discolouration that is significantly darker than the overall tone. If you would like to know if you are a suitable candidate, please book in a 'Skin Lightening Consultation' using our online booking link.


The types of skin discolouration we can treat are: Hyperpigmentation, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and shadowing.

The areas that are most commonly treated are:

  • Underarms

  • Intimate areas (Brazilian, bikini, anal region)

  • Knees & Elbows

  • Neck

  • Inner Thighs


What’s A Hydrafacial?

The best Hydrafacials in Sydney happen at STBK, but what exactly is a Hydrafacial?


These nourishing treatments use a medical-grade vacuum wand that cleanses, extracts dirt, and hydrates your skin in minutes! It uses a magical mix of glycolic acid, salicylic acid, antioxidants and peptides and other plant-based extracts to loosen all the dirt and debris from your pores – making the “vacuuming” satisfyingly easy.


The Hydrafacial is a pain-free, downtime free, super satisfying treatment – You will see and feel an immediate difference in the glow and hydration of your skin when having a treatment done at STBK – that’s what makes us the best Hydrafacial in Sydney!

What Are The Causes of Skin Discolouration?

We naturally have cells in our body called melanocytes that produce Melanin in our skin and hair. Most people of colour will be prone to some form of hyperpigmentation as a response to trauma in the skin. 


There are many causes that contribute to skin discolouration. This factor needs to be taken into account when we select the appropriate treatment option for you. 


Some common causes of skin discolouration are:



Friction is one of the most common reasons for skin discolouration in the inner thigh, bikini and underarm area. The constant rubbing of the skin against itself or on tight clothing such as underwear or bras can cause a reaction in the skin from the constant rubbing that causes sensitivity. The skin responds by darkening in these sensitive areas.



Most women who suffer from a hormonal iregulation or disfunction will experience hyperpigmentation on their body. It is extremely common for women who are pregnant or post-natal to experience darkened intimate areas and underarms. This skin discolouration usually subsides a few months after giving birth when the hormones start to return to their normal pre-birth levels. 


Insulin Resistance / Diabetes

A certain form of discolouration on the neck, underarms and groin area called acanthosis nigricans is a common side effect of diabetes or insulin resistance. The skin condition causes dark discolouration and thickened skin usually in the folds and creases of the body. If you believe this condition may be the cause of your discolouration, please see a GP or a specialist to treat the insulin resistance before attempting a skin lightening treatment.


Be prepared for your skin lightening treatments. Here are some of the FAQ's about skin lightening.

Is there downtime?: Some of our skin lightening peels have downtime of 3-5 days. The other lighter peels and lasers don't have any down time. Slight redness and sensitivity in the area is expected after all treatments. 

Can I go in the sun after?: No, you cannot have direct sun exposure on the areas we are treating for skin lightening. This may reverse the effectiveness of the treatment and cause further discolouration. 

Do I have to do anything before the treatment?: Yes, before undergoing skin lightening treatments in the clinic we will provide you with home care products to use for 2 weeks before the first treatment. These products will ensure we see great results with skin lightening. Without prepping the skin before treatments we can't expect any results so this step is very important!


How many treatments will I need?: This depends on the depth and level of pigmentation on the treated area. Most clients undergo and average of 4-6 sessions of skin lightening treatments.

How long do treatments take?: Most areas of the body can be treated in 30 minutes to an hour. Appointments are usually 45-60minutes.

underarm skin lightening

Results after 4 Sessions

How Do I Book?

If you have dark patches on your body that you know weren’t always there, come and see us for a 'Skin Lightening Consultation’. In the consultation we will discuss all available treatments options and discuss your home care products that will get you ready for successful treatment results. 

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